
When it comes to working with text in design software like Adobe Illustrator (AI), knowing how to utilize strikethrough text can be a valuable skill. Whether you’re looking to create unique text effects, make revisions to your designs, or simply add a strikethrough to a piece of text for emphasis, mastering the art of strikethrough text in AI can take your design projects to the next level.

Understanding Strikethrough Text

Before delving into how to create strikethrough text in AI, it’s important to understand what this text effect entails. Strikethrough text is a formatting style that involves drawing a line through text, typically to indicate that the text has been deleted or is no longer valid. In design, strikethrough text can be used for various purposes, such as showing revisions, indicating changes, or simply adding a unique visual element to your designs.

Creating Strikethrough Text in AI

To create strikethrough text in Adobe Illustrator, you have several options depending on your design needs. Here are a few techniques you can use:

1. Using the Strikethrough Option in the Character Panel
One of the simplest ways to create strikethrough text in AI is by using the strikethrough option in the Character panel. Here’s how you can do it:
– Select the text you want to apply the strikethrough effect to.
– Open the Character panel by going to Window > Type > Character.
– In the Character panel, locate the strikethrough icon (usually represented by a horizontal line) and click on it to apply the strikethrough effect to your text.

2. Using the Appearance Panel
Another method for creating strikethrough text in AI is by using the Appearance panel. This technique offers more flexibility and control over the strikethrough effect. Here’s how you can do it:
– Select the text you want to apply the strikethrough effect to.
– Go to Window > Appearance to open the Appearance panel.
– Click on the “Add New Stroke” button to add a stroke to your text.
– Adjust the stroke settings (e.g., color, weight, position) to create the desired strikethrough effect.

3. Using the Type > Create Outlines Command
If you’re looking to create a more customized strikethrough effect, you can also use the Type > Create Outlines command in AI. This method involves converting your text into outlines and then manually adding a strikethrough line. Here’s how you can do it:
– Select the text you want to apply the strikethrough effect to.
– Go to Type > Create Outlines to convert the text into outlines.
– Use the Pen Tool or Line Segment Tool to draw a line through the text where you want the strikethrough to appear.

Tips for Working with Strikethrough Text

When working with strikethrough text in AI, here are some tips to keep in mind to enhance your design workflow:

  • Experiment with Different Stroke Settings: Play around with the stroke color, weight, and position to create unique strikethrough effects that complement your design.
  • Use Guides for Precision: To ensure your strikethrough text is aligned properly, consider using guides to guide your stroke placement.
  • Combine Strikethrough with Other Text Effects: Get creative by combining the strikethrough effect with other text effects like gradients, shadows, or outlines to create visually appealing typography.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can I adjust the thickness of the strikethrough line in AI?
A1. Yes, you can adjust the thickness of the strikethrough line by changing the stroke weight in the Stroke panel or Appearance panel.

Q2. Can I apply a strikethrough to specific letters or words within a text block?
A2. Yes, you can apply a strikethrough to specific letters or words by converting the text into outlines and manually adding the strikethrough effect using the Pen Tool.

Q3. How can I remove the strikethrough effect from text in AI?
A3. To remove the strikethrough effect from text, simply select the text and disable the strikethrough option in the Character panel or remove the stroke in the Appearance panel.

Q4. Can I animate strikethrough text in Adobe Illustrator?
A4. While AI is primarily a vector design tool, you can export your design to Adobe After Effects for animation, including animating strikethrough text.

Q5. Is there a keyboard shortcut for applying strikethrough text in AI?
A5. Unfortunately, Adobe Illustrator does not have a default keyboard shortcut for applying the strikethrough effect. However, you can create a custom shortcut using the Keyboard Shortcuts menu in AI.


Mastering strikethrough text in Adobe Illustrator can add a new dimension to your design projects and allow you to create visually striking typography. By understanding the different techniques for creating strikethrough text and following best practices for working with this text effect, you can elevate your designs and bring your creative vision to life with precision and style.


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