
You have learned what mystery shopping is and how it will benefit you. But have you ever considered all the different types of data you may receive from this service?

Mystery or Secret Shopping was designed to help business owners examine their companies. They might want to test their employees and services for:

  • Honesty
  • Quality of service
  • Quality of advice
  • Sales Quality
  • Accuracy of orders
  • Compliance with rules and regulations

Mystery shopping program works as a great tool to help owners examine all the aspects of their business and conclude. These programs provide all the field data and sometimes give actionable insights that help them better understand it.

However, many business owners fail to learn the different types of data they can receive from a secret shopping service. And today, we are here to decode these types for you. So, let’s begin!

Different types of Secret Shopping Data Received

Type1: Location Data

This type of data received from mystery shopping is helpful to location managers. It mainly focuses on how a particular location of the brand is performing. It can answer questions like ‘Was the customer properly greeted upon entry?’, ‘Was the customer thanked for the purchase?’ or ‘Whether the order was accurate?’

This data is used to identify gaps in the execution of standard operating procedures at a particular location.

Type2: Data Correlation

This type of data is used to identify the correlation between different metrics of the brand location. For instance, understanding that the customer (from the mystery shopping program) is not being greeted directly results in the offer not being promoted by the employees.

Finding a correlation between different aspects allows you to adjust your SOPs. You can thus improve your location’s efficiency and eliminate any unnecessary rules.

Type3: Predictive Analysis

This data is utilized to stay ahead of the curve in the long term. It focuses on trends; for example, identifying which locations sell out limited-time offers early. Once you know the trends, you can take proactive actions that will keep your business ahead of its time.

Type4: Impact Assessment

This mystery shopping data is used to understand the impact of any initiative or procedure the brand implements. For example, you took a specific initiative in some locations and want to learn if it is effective before implementing it in other locations.

This data type usually depends on metrics like patterns across different stores or marketing areas.

Ways to Automate Your Secret Shopping Data

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of data received from this service let’s see how you can automate some data features:

  1. Use automated report delivery feature: Mystery shopping program helps you automatically send reports and other analytics to other members on a set frequency (daily, weekly, monthly or other).
  2. Address issues by creating new cases: you can use keywords to automatically address issues by creating new cases. This way, you can make your response time faster than ever.
  3. Congratulate the team members: trigger congratulatory messages when a location performs beyond a set score.

With high-powered automation, you can drive efficiency by acting quickly, empowering teams, and celebrating their daily successes!


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